This is definetely the best crash bandicoot ever made!!Play it, you will love it believe me!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Crash Twinsanity PS2
Crash Bandicoot Twin Sanity is the best crash bandicoot ever made!!You have the old versions for PS one,but if you want the ultimate Crash Bandicoot you have it here!!The game has so cool graphics, cool stuff, and is the funniest Crash ever!!I guess what,it is a little underrated,it deserves a better rate!!I played this game a long time ago, but i remember how good it was, it's one of the best platform game i've ever played,and believe me i played a lot of platform games, and this was one of the best i ever played!!I also played the old one's for PS one and they are great but not so cool like this one is!!Neo Cortex is also so cool in this game, you will have a lot of fun, the best Crash game as i said before, it makes completely the diference!!It is also a little diferent from the others, but you will love the mini games that the game has!!Maybe the game is not so big at all,but i guess it will entertain you long enough,and you will have in your hands the best Crash for your PS2 console ;)