The best thing that's happened to Crash since the end of the Naughty Dog era! *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

User Rating: 9 | Crash Twinsanity PS2
-------The Good-------
Plenty of Humor, Good Camera Controls, Free-roaming Environments, Lots of Replay Value, Fun Boss Battles, Controls Nicely, Good Soundtrack.

-------The Bad-------
Too Short, Feels Incomplete, Some Parts are Really Hard, Tons of Glitches, Some Music Can Get on Your Nerves.

Story: 8
Music: 8
Gameplay: 9
Controls: 9
Overall: 9/10

Crash Twinsanity takes place 1 Year after "The Wrath of Cortex".
After being washed up on N. Sanity Island after 1 Year being frozen in Antarctica, Dr. Cortex decides to exact his revenge against Crash Bandicoot.
But, after an encounter with the Mutant Parakeets, Victor and Moritz, Cortex and Crash are forced to team up to put and end to a new menace that threatens to destroy their islands.

In Crash Twinsanity, in addition to playing as Crash, there are some sequences where you take control as Dr. Cortex and his niece, Nina Cortex.

Crash still has all his basic moves from Belly Flop to his infamous Spin attack, but can no longer rely on using Tornado Spin, the Bazooka, Crash Dash, or Tip-Toe. As usual, you can expect to play as him through most of the game.

Cortex is a lot harder to play as than Crash. He has a tiny jump, slow running, no form of melee attack and when his raygun runs out of ammo, he runs around like a wuss (which is always hilarious). Fortunately, in boss battles, Cortex's ammo is infinite, but a glitch sometimes happens, causing Cortex to think he has no ammo and your pretty much screwed.

Nina is a lot more useful than her uncle. She has a spin attack much like Crash's, a higher jump than Cortex and she can use her spring loaded hands to punch enemys and explosive crates from a distance without taking damage.

The basic gameplay is very similar to previous Crash games but with a few differences. Breaking crates is not required to get Gems. No warp rooms or hubs are anywhere. Most of the environments are free-roaming with a controllable camera and if you want to play through a level again, you can walk or take means of transport to get there.
Aku Aku or Uka Uka mask crates are found a lot more in this game, but that's because you're really going to need them. They will act as extra health if you are hit by an enemy or object, but unlike the previous games, Nitro and TNT crates are a 1-hit kill, even with three masks. This is because some sequences and puzzles required to earn gems would be too easy if they didn't. There are 4 main areas in the game, and each area is split up into 4 levels. Each area contains 6 hidden gems. Gems are obtained through environmental puzzles and platforming sequences.

One thing that gives Crash Twinsanity it's reputation is the many glitches throughout the game. Some are good, they either help you or are fun to abuse. But some are bad, they can cause you to lose lives, get stuck, or make the game harder than it already is.

The soundtrack for this game is composed and performed by Spiralmouth, an A Capella group that make the music using nothing but their vocals and occasionally altering them with computers to make them sound robotic, high pitched or guitar like. The music in the game is addictive in my opinion, and it makes you wonder how they did it using only voices. Some tracks, however, like the one in the Brio and Trophy boss battle can become annoying.

Overall, Crash Twinsanity is a short, but very entertaining experience.
If you are a Crash fan, this game will not dissapoint. If you were let down by Nitro Kart, I still suggest you give this one a try. I am someone who has been playing Crash since the beginning and I highly recommend this game, just don't expect something as good as Crash 2.