Crash is back in this great game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Crash Twinsanity PS2
We all remember Crash Bandicoot from the PS as one of the best platform games ever.Now Crash is back and he has to work with his arch-enemy Dr Neo Cortex.The Evil Twins are trying to destroy Crash's island home,N.Sanity Island.The game is best platform game for PS2.You will really enjoy playing it, but for someone it can be a little too hard.But it was just great for me.Many old characters have returned including Neo Cortex,Dingodile,Papu Papu,N.Gin and more.New characters are Tikimon and Evil Twins.Graphics are good and the musics are awesome.There are many good levels including N.Sanity Island,Iceberg Lab,High Seas Hi-Jinks,Slip Slide Icecapades,Twinsanity Island and more.Great game.Maybe the best in series.Awesome platform,
you have to buy it!And you can play with Crash,Neo Cortex or Nina Cortex!