Crash is ( finally ) back but this time teaming up with his arch foe, Cortex!

User Rating: 10 | Crash Twinsanity PS2
We all remember beating Crash: Wrath of Cortex at 100%, right? Well we all wanted to know what happened AFTER that in the main series, correct? And Travellor's Tales delivered! Yes folks, this is Crash Twinsanity! Now after being frozen for nearly half a decade, Cortex want's the ultimate in revenge against Crash. I mean you would be ticked off if someone froze you too. Well... the plan fails and forces Crash and Cortex to work together to escape an assumed abandoned mine when they come across the interdimensional bad guys...The Evil Twins! To defeat this new enemy, Crash and Cortex team up together along with Cortex's recently introduced niece, Nina Cortex. Now the gameplay is the same from what we've come to expect, but introduced free roaming for this new Crash experience with instead of just breaking crates to recieve gems, they are hidden in every level and each one unlocking great extras in the pause menu. Along with that we find wonderful music from a group named Spiralmouth and heck if you were to get a tune stuck in your head well it's more of a blessing than an annoyance. Now let's get to a semi-bad part. The game can be riddled with glitches but if you're a gamer like myself then if you were to stumble upon a glitch or two it can be pretty fun. The bosses and chase scenes are similar if not close to one from the original Crash games. The bosses can get kinda tough but are just right. Chase scenes, however can get tough but really gives you a test a skill and speed against the chaser. If you've been looking for a better Crash experience then look no further and maybe rent Twinsanity before you buy it just to be sure. ( That's what I did ).