Whether you like Racing Games or First Person Shooters, you're sure to love this game!

User Rating: 10 | Crash Bandicoot: Gacchanko World GC
Crash Tag Team Racing is a Car Combat Game for the GameCube and various other systems. It is a really fun game, whether you're just walking around going coin-hunting, racing or being the gunner. There is a lot to do and many different types of racing.

Your goal, to just unlock all Teir 1, 2 and 3 cars and complete all of the missions. The way you do this is by finding items in the various areas of the missions, racing to get crystals and more.

There's a lot to do just racing and gunning. You can do a race, of course, where you just race everyone. In races you can clash and be either the driver or the gunner, which if you only like one, you'll enjoy. There's a stunt track, where you go around and do flips to gain points. There are many more gunning and racing games which you'll have to discover yourself.

There are minigames like bowling and there are a few where you defend these monkey things by shooting erm...poo at them, which is very comical as they explode when they get it.

Even the loading screens are fun! You can press A or B to do some bodily functions while moving the joy stick in different directions to make more comical and deep noises.

The Multiplay functions are great, most of them have the option to be co-operative which is really good if you're not a core or hardcore gamer.

This game will appeal to a big group of people, mainly adventure fans, racing fans, first person shooter fans and both hardcore/core and a new gamer.

There is a big variety of characters to meet and talk to, and if you are a fan of combat, you get to attack penguins in this game.

This is definately a buy because there is so much to do and to get everything unlocked and everything done, you will need to rent this several times.