Crash Bandicoot 3 is a great addition to the Crash franchise and shouldn't be missed

User Rating: 8.5 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (PSOne Books) PS
The original Crash Bandicoot was a great little game, it provided simple but sweet game play. Then Crash 2 came along and greatly improved it by adding more level specific gimmicks, better challenges and overall better level design. So how did the third entry turn out? Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped adds more new gimmicks and more new challenges and is a great platform game which I recommend to everyone. While I didn't enjoy it as much as number 2, 3 is an amazing game which is guaranteed to provide hours of fun.

The story goes that after the destruction of the Cortex Vortex, it crashes into an ancient temple and releases the evil mask Uka Uka, who finds Cortex and demands him to get the crystals. Dr N. Tropy has created a Time Twister which will enable time travel to the past and future to find the crystals. Crash, Coco and Aku Aku refuse to let Cortex and his minions get their hands on the crystals, so run off to save the day.

There are a total of 25 uniquely themed levels in the main story. The levels range from old Medi-evil castles, to old tombs, Indian rooftops and even prehistoric volcanos. The levels are very linear and this makes the game simple, but satisfying. The game also manages to be reasonably challenging, but enough so to become frustrating. Crash's abilities are to jump, spin, slide tackle and belly flop. In the levels there are many crates which provide you with Wumpa fruit (collect 100 for an extra life) extra lifes and Aku Aku masks, which protect you from one hit. In the levels, your goal is to collect one crystal from each level. The levels are so linear it is impossible to walk past them.

Also in levels you can collect gems. These are usually awarded to you be destroying every single crate in a level. Though sometimes, the gems can be aquired through death routes which open up if you make it through the level without dying. These death routes are hard sections of the level. If you collect Coloured gems you can open up Gem Routes, which are like death routes. The gems are only for completionists and are not essentially to complete the game. There is also a time trial mode where you go through the level as fast as possible hitting yellow crates to freeze the timer and make it through the level in the shortest possible time to earn a relic.

Some levels have specific gimmicks to help separate them. Some have you diving underwater, running from dinosaurs, flying aeroplanes to shoot down enemies etc. In some levels you will play as Coco, though you don't control her running around like Crash. She will always either be riding the speedy tiger Pura, riding and speed boat thing or flying a plane. The variety helps keep the game entertaining throughout.

Bosses will open up after completing five levels. They have an evade and counter strategy and can be quite satisfying. One notable thing about bosses in this game is that after completing them, Crash will learn a new ability such as a double jump or a rapid spin attack which can be used for "gliding"

The game play in Crash 3 is very satisying and manages to be simple but reasonably challenging. The level specific gimmicks help make the levels stand out on their own.

The graphics are good for the time and the animations show character and the game is colourful and nice to look at. The music is pretty cool too. Some of the tracks are jsut great to listen to.

Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped is an all around solid peice of entertainment and should be appreciated by every one. The levels are fun thanks to specific gimmicks and simple design. This little crystal shouldn't be missed by anyone

Milesprower2K9 - Original Reviews