Best in series, but there are a lot of things copied from other games.

User Rating: 9 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (PSOne Books) PS
Crash Bandicoot Warped is the best Crash B. Game, the Best PS1 platformer & also the last Great...Crash B. platformer.It is very similar with the previous game, Cortex Strikes Back regarding the gameplay, graphics, gadgets & the playable character Coco B. There are 25 levels, quite a short game & it's also easy but that's how i prefer them the best, short & easy.There are 5 worlds, each with 5 levels & in order to unlock the boss battle from each World, you have to collect each of the 5 cristals found in each level.The levels have great variety, you do all sorts of stuff from linear platforming from a 3D perspective to linear platforming in a 2D perspective, found especially at the bonus levels.You also get to fly planes, dive underwater, ride vehicles wheterer it's on the Highway or on water & also you also get to ride animals.Basically there's nothing new since the previous game.The graphics are still good & filled with vibrant colours completed by the funny animations found throughout the game.The music is also good.The story is about the black voodoo magik mask known as Uka-Uka, the twin of Aku-Aku(lol), that colaborates with Dr. Cortex to anihilate Crash & his companions.He also brings his friend "to play along":Dr. N.Tropy.So this time, Crash has more enemies than ever...Dr. N. Gin from the last game is back(lol, it's full of doctors around here:)
Now, about the sources of inspiration:throughout the game, i've noticed a lot of things that seemed very similar to me, scenes i've also encountered in previous games in the industry.The original Crash game in my opinion was inspired after DKC but now there are tons of so-called rip-offs:
-The water levels where you ride a Jet ski:inspired after Wave Race 64.The water effects are very similar with Waver Race 64 & the locations very familiar.
-The underwater levels:inspired after Earthworm Jim.First of all, in both games we have a 2D perspective at this levels.Then the underwater structures, buildings look very similar.
-When you fight with Dr. N. Gin:no comment, it was clearly taken from Starfox 64.
-The Highway levels where you ride a motorcycle:it reminds me much of Excitebike from 1984 but this time it's in 3D.
Well, what can i say more?I think it's enough.But i'm not complaining about this things, on the contrary, i like them, i like the way the game was made & designed.
The game has also a good replay value:after you finish each level, you unlock the time trial mode where certain things in the level change.Btw, my favourite level is The Great Wall where you ride a Tiny Tiger with Coco B.
In conclusion:it was necessary a great source of inspiration to create the best adventure for PS1's mascot, Crash Bandicoot, unfortunatelly the series went only downhill since.From this point of view, he shares a similar fate with Sonic.