Crash Bandicoot Warped will warp you into plenty hours of fun! Or will it?

User Rating: 9.5 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (PSOne Books) PS

Crash bandicoot 3: warped!
It starts directly with a nice cutscene displaying what's happening/happened, and then your ready for action!

So, this is basically how the you'll play the game
Note: Spoilers

You'll start of with no Power-Ups and will only be able to enter the first 5 levels in the first warp-room, meaning you'll have to go inside each level and get back out with the crystal, then you can go back afterwards to retrieve a Gem, which will be rewarded if you destroy every crate in a level.
After you got the first 5 Crystals, you'll have to face the Boss of that warp-room, which are (in order) Tiny-Tiger, Dingodile, Nepharious Trophy, N-Gin and Doctor Neo Cortex.
Each time if you defeat one of these the next warp-room will become available and you'll be rewarded with a Power-Up.
At the end you'll be rewarded with the "Sprint-Power-Up" which will let you win time trials (easier)

I think the game is great, and you'll have lots to do and collect, and it's definitely the best Crash Bandicoot game yet.
(Yes that includes the new ones.)