Fire & Glory!

User Rating: 8.9 | Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars PC
Cossacks 2: The Napoleonic Wars is a superb game! The graphics are gorgeous and the presentation is excellent. What I like the most is the tactical finesse and timing that is required to win. Make no mistake, this is a difficult game. The lowest difficulty level is normal and that will keep you busy for a long time before you are ready to step up a level. You have to put all your men into formation before they become effective fighters. Complement your battalions with officers, drummers and standard bearers and they will fight even more effectively. It’s not your standard RTS fare at all. Very sophisticated! My only serious criticism (apart from all the ideas for improvement in various areas I have) is the sound. The music is rather obtrusive, it would be better if it only played at certain times, like when you’ve won or the first big battle. The voice acting is execrable and the American accents really ruin the mood. Now that I think of it the campaign is also pretty weak. Campy story and some of the scenarios are skewed. You need a lot of memory to run the game. 512 mb is the minimum with 768 recommended. I can attest that it chugs a lot with 512 mb.