Overall, this game was an ok boxing game, but it just wasn't fun most of the time.

User Rating: 5.8 | Dynamite Boxing PS
Contender is definetly not a contender for the best boxing games out there. There are s lot of flaws to this game. I really don't have much to say about it. All I can really say was that it was fun at times, but the fun was ruined by the shortness of the matches. The game was so easy, that it wasn't very fun at all. Each match lasted about 20 seconds, or maybe a minute if you were lucky. The graphics in this game were ok for a PS game, but they almost look like they could have been done on the Sega if they really tried. I had much more fun with Knockout Kings on the PSm which offered some realsim, a lot of boxers to play as, and fun tournaments that Contender lacked.