My review is for the PS3 version only, Gamespot's was for PC with a tad of 360/PS3 sprinkled on.

User Rating: 5 | Conflict: Denied Ops PS3
When I saw the cover of the game, it reminded me of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. That was one of the best games I've played so I had high hopes for Conflict: Denied Ops from the get-go...and the game fell short of everything I had hoped it would be.

Well, the good things first. The game is trying to have the player use co-op in single player missions with the AI, and you can flip back and forth between the two playable characters (CIA paramilitary, saving the world, yeah yeah same old jaded story) seamlessly. So I give Conflict credit for bringing that to the table in the single player campaign, I'm not going to mention co-op in multiplayer because it is more commonplace nowadays. The game environment is partially destructible, so instead of aiming for the head, why not just unleash a wave of bullets and kill not only the enemy but the wooden table he was hiding behind at the same time. Great feature, it was fun blowing things up in the game and breaking objects just by shooting at them - those terrorists got nowhere to hide!

For the downsides. The opening movie looked bad. There wasn't enough definition in characters, vehicles, everything looked rounded, it wasn't gritty and believable. If the game looked any softer, it can pass for a cartoon. Anyway, it was a bad sign and foretold the coming letdowns. The voice acting was weak, but the graphics, that's what killed the game. This game looked like it should've came out on the PS2 years ago. The rendering, texture, quality in general is very disappointing. I'm just going to leave it at that, I'm just glad that I didn't buy the game. Yep, it's that horrid in terms of what you'd come to expect on a current-gen PS3 game. Gamespot's review mentioned at the end that if you have a knack for olden shooters and low expectations, this game just may pass for you, but who gets a game for the PS3 expecting anything but the best?

My final verdict is to stay away from this game, rent it if you must, but I recommend that you save your $ and rent another game. This is also the final review that I'll be doing on games, at least for a while - congrats on catching this review!