Give this game a chance

User Rating: 7.5 | Conflict: Denied Ops X360
Yes, give this game a chance, don't expect a realistic tactical experience, but expect:

FUN Gameplay
Great Visuals
Big Explosions
Great AI

This game belongs to the conflict series, as the games before it fails to deliver the things they promised, but instead offers some redeeming qualities.

In this case it faisl to deliver great co op gameplay but instead the AI of your partner is great, he follows your orders very well doesn't get stuck in corridors and cover you very well.

If you order your temamate with the heavy guns to take out a chopper he'll do ti, sometimes he won't but that is because the area is full of enemies, not because of lack of AI.

Also the game has some great visuals and sound, the game is set in several countries and there's a good variety of missions.

Not many people is online for co op or deathmatch so if you want toplay with another guy you should do ti split screen or system link.

Buy this game, now it should be cheap enough to overlook its failures.