Let their be blood!

User Rating: 8.5 | Conan PS3
After playing this game, the first word that comes to mind when I hear "Conan" is BLOOD! This game has more blood than I've ever seen, along with body parts. I know that they're are actually alot of ppl that don't like Conan, but I absolutely love this game. The graphics aren't bad, but they're not great, they're good. That's fine with me, what I love about it is the combat and weapons. It is so cool slicing and dicing foes and then taking their weapons. They're are so many different weapon combinations you can handle. 2 swords, or an axe and a sword, or 2 axes, etc. Not only is it just 2 swords and axes, but several different varities of each. I just loved it how, after slaughtering countless enemies, the ground would just be jampacked with arms, legs, heads, torsoes, and a lot of blood. All of the moves are very satisfying to execute. The only gripes I have with Conan are that its too short, and the bosses, mainly referring to the last one are excruciatingly difficult. That last boss is without a doubt, the #1 hardest boss I've ever had to beat. If you could go through the game a 2nd time with all your stuff maxed out, then the shortness of the game wouldn't be so bad, cause I'd gladly go through it again and again. I think this game is extremely under rated, and at $15 or less, it's an absolute steal!