Completed the game but way too hard (Even on easy)

User Rating: 8 | Conan X360
I completed conan Yesterday night and i can tell you that this has got to be one of the most difficult hack and slash games that i have ever played and trust me i've played alot of them. Firstly the controls feel pretty intuitive but in later levels of the game you'll mostly be using the basic combos due to the enemies blocking every third strick you do. Also at some points the camera has got to be one of the most frustring cameras every created for a game. Also most of the bosses you'll be able to deafeat on the first or second try but the last boss in the game graven is near on impossible to beat as i died about 30 times trying to kill him and with this boss there is only one pattern ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. So in the end i completed the game almost entirely down to luck. But besides those few points explained above conan is a really good game but there are those few problems that lower the score of this game