Conan wil b a sleeper hit; very fun indeed!

User Rating: 8.5 | Conan X360
Conan is an action hak n slaher wiv many fun fetures. GRAPHICS:
Conan has an vry artistik style wiv a comic bk feel. The enviroments r gorge wiv amazin lightin effex an detailed textures on structures. The charcters luk gr8 wiv conan veins an nt 2 mention da almost fuly naked women!! the wepons r vry detailed an shiny. vry nyc. 8.5/10

Dis is da gr8 prt of da game!! u control conan fitein an platformin around stunin levels chopin off heds an arms an splin galons of beautiful comic lyk blud!! u can access a huge variety of moves, from chopin heds off 2 snapin baks! u cn equip dual swords or axes, masiv 2 handed halberds an sords, singular wepons an mor. u fyt masiv bosses an all crazy stuf. brill 9/10

i dno how long da game is coz i ant finished it yt bt of wt ive played its an extremly solid action adventure wiv fun tuches nicked from PS2 legend GOD OF WAR. Buy Conan u wnt regret it (probably) 8.5/10