Conan does a great job of offering a solid God of War experience on the Xbox.

User Rating: 7.5 | Conan X360
Almost immediately God of War fans will feel right at home with Conan. The controls are nearly identical (including the right stick roll feature and camera angles that are out of the players control). The game features the same move purchasing customization of GoW too. And all of this copying of the GoW is actually a good thing as it all works very well.

The story however is poorly told and difficult to follow. If you're looking for a story that matches up to GoW you won't find it here. On top of that the graphics sadly look like a Playstation 2 game as well. Fortunately the excellent gameplay nearly make up for the story and graphics disappointments.

The game offers tons of combos to buy and learn. You are also rewarded for using certain combos over and over in a "combo mastering" feature that powers up the combo once used successfully a certain number of times. Mastered combos benefit you by offering health orbs once an enemy is slain. This can be helpful in large battles but isn't absolutely essential.

Aside from the insanely difficult final boss battle most of the action in Conan feels well balanced and fun. Many of the boss battles feel like they drag on a little too long but tthe game thankfully offers checkpoints between boss stages so you don't really get frustrated having to repeat the whole battle.

The voice acting isn't spectacular but I thought Ron Pearlman did a great job as Conan and his one-liners never got old. If the graphics and story were a bit more polished this would be a definite classic or at least the definative GoW clone for the Xbox. As it stands however Gamespots score is pretty much spot on.