One of the Greatest RTS's of all time.

User Rating: 9.5 | Company of Heroes PC
Company of Heroes does most things that other RTS games had not done. It has great looking graphics and sound. Awesome game play and A I. It is every thing that an RTS gamer wants. You play the Americans in this game around the Normandy invasion. You start out on the beaches of Normandy then you go through a bunch of other fun and intense levels. Like I said before, Company of Heroes has great looking graphics. Buildings fall down when they get blown up. When a tank goes through a fence or a wall, it shatters, and the whole environments just look great. The sound in Company of Heroes sounds great. Things explode and soldiers screams and gun shots sound great. there are a few problems in this game. Sometimes enemy tanks won't blow up after you shoot it with tons of rockets and throw loads of sticky bombs on it. Another problem is that sometimes I had problems were guys would not respond to my commands. But those bugs do not happen a lot and there probably is a patch out there to fix them. If you like RTS games then you should buy this game. If you don't like RTS games then this game may be the one that gets you to start playing them. Over all this game is a must own for the PC and is one of the best games of 2006