This is the standard that RTS games should be judged against.

User Rating: 10 | Company of Heroes PC
Gameplay - A little intimidating at first. There are a lot of weapons and soldier types to consider. Be a little patient in learning them and you will be richly rewarded with challenging gameplay. I had to use a walkthrough guide to get me through the first couple missions. Then I put it aside and took it on. Achieving the medals for each mission is both challenging and rewarding. The campaign is absolutely awesome. You may need to do a few multiple times to win the medals. You control a company (hence the name) which is realistic to me. Unlike total wart series where you control a massive army.

Graphics - Awesome visuals. Missions are comprised of both day and night scenarios. You cover the gamet in following Able company through the war; Normandy invasion, parachuting, V2 rocket base, you name it. All done with great detail.

Sound - Music is awe inspiring; reminds me of an epic movie like Saving Private Ryan. Language can get a little rough but hey, these guys are fighting for their lives!

Story - Wonderful story. You follow Able company through the war. You get an instant bond with the soldiers as you are fighting with them.

I haven't played all RTS games, but of the ones I have played, this is by far the most fun. Just the right amount of challenge, just the right amount of everything. I'm a fan of WW2 games and this is a must have. I'm already looking forward to starting it over,