very short and easy but this is still company of heroes

User Rating: 7 | Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor PC
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor is an expansion for Company of Heroes. Unlike Opposing fronts, this only adds new units and gameplay modes, no new factions. You have three mini-campaigns to play, all of which are quick and utilize some new units. Fans of CoH's longer campaigns might be disappointed. The new units included in this ex pack only replace old units, which is a little disappointing.
The graphics are great as always in CoH; no problem with that unless you have a crappy videocard! Only problem is extremely short missions, and only 3 missions & 3 campaigns added.
Three new campaigns are introduced, Tiger Ace (German) Causeway (Allies) and Falaise Pocket (German).Each campaign consists of only three missions, the missions are well structured and fit together nicely however they are short and far to easy to beat. Having said that each campaign has a specific map assigned to it in which all three of its missions play out on, this get's boring fast as you end up getting tired of playing the same map a full three times. So basically, you play the same mission three times, with only different objectives. Oh and I forgot to mention, there is no British campaign.
The Tiger Ace campaign starts out to teach you how to pilot a vehicle in DCM, or Direct Control Mode. it is too easy to complete, you are too strong and your enemy is too weak, the German's Tank is too strong, you can destroy all enemy with 1 or 2 canon shooting!
In causeway, you control 2 units of Airborne troops along with an AT here and an MG there. The Airborne units are immortal!! You can send them right in front of an enemy and you will crush them. Not so much strategy there when you can just mow down the enemy. Also, what I was disappointed about was there is no capturing points for manpower, fuel, and ammo.
The last one is The Falise Pocket. In this one, you control, once again, the Germans. You must hold the line from the Americans using 88's, tanks, and whatever else they give you. In this one, you are not immortal. THANK GOD!!!! Some realism. What isn't realistic is how bad the AI is. They are weak and non too smart.
So if you are a fan of this game, it will make you feel great, but it is not as good as the original version!