Great game for buddies playing on multi, but single player is way too short...but if you love multi, go get it!

User Rating: 7.5 | Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor PC
Nothing but another rushed game and taking money out of our wallets, but it is a great game if you love to play multiplayer on real time strategy games. There's no problems, except there are always bugs to fix and definately needs to be historically accurate. Such as tanks, it takes up 16 people in population for a King Tiger tank...big no no! There are plenty of mods for Company of Heroes and they fix those problems and add much more things into it and many people play those too. The graphics are great as always in CoH; no problem with that unless you have a crappy videocard! Only problem is extremely short missions, and only 3 missions & 3 campaigns added. People may thing this game sucks and only play single player, and forget the multiplayer! So don't just judge it by single player, if you never even played the multiplayer, do so and I am sure you will enjoy would be more fun if you have friends who play the game so you can both practice. There are many more ways to fight, weapons and people to choose in multiplayer and that is definately what relic worked on for ToV.