Not worth the name 'expansion', just a way to flog more money out of us fan-boys. A great disappointment.

User Rating: 4.5 | Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor PC
Despite all flashy previews etc. when you install and start to play you soon notice that there is not much new content. There's no new factions and you're still stuck in 1944 and on the west front.

Three campaigns sounds reassuring though, but after a day when you've played them all a realized that they only consist of three to four missions each and only one map per campaign then the real disappointment sets in. Was that all?

It seems obvious that THQ/Relic just wanted to get more money without having to do any real work. Half of the cut scenes are even just paintings with sound.

I fear that this was the last breath we saw of CoH, this is a shame as I feel it could have a lot more to give. Why not an eastern front expansion with the Russians? Or a Pacific versions with the Japanese? Or even Sahara with Rommel and Montgomery? The fall of Berlin? The Italian campaign?

Another 1944 western front expansion will kill CoH. Don't do that, breathe some new life into it instead!