If you can get it for about $15, then grab it. It's a fun, but short game to play.

User Rating: 8 | Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor PC
The Good: Each side picks up a couple of new units which adds a lot of fun to skirmish of online games. AI is more challanging than before and will rebuild bridges and comes at you pretty hard.

The Bad: The first two campaigns are too easy and far to short. Both campaigns (three missions each) can be play in under 30 minutes. The third campaign is a lot tougher more frantic in it's gameplay, and the only one that feels like it "added" something to the game.

The Bottom Line: I paid $16 total for the game, so from that stand point I would recommend this game to anyone to owns the original. But for $30, or anyone buying this game to play on it's own, your going to feel ripped off. This game is a "Micro-Expansion" at best, so it should have been priced as such.