THQ/Relic have lost me as a customer and a fan

User Rating: 1 | Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor PC
The problems for me as a fan of this franchise since the beginning are many. But the most notable things are:

--- Custom maps no longer work. This is frustrating. Why is backward-compatibility considered a dirty word with THQ/Relic? If they're building out a franchise, think about the platform on which you're encouraging (or USED to encourage) the community to be a part of. I think of all the days and weeks and months that some mappers have spent on a map...and that's all wasted with the new "expansion".

--- AI is super messed-up. In skirmish mode, my soldiers are brain-dead and have to be babysat to make sure they pay attention to the enemy soldiers walking right past them. The enemies, on the other hand, come out of the woodwork and are super agressive...and that's on EASY mode!

--- I continue to be disappointed that they require a login in order to even play a single player skirmish. Why do I have to have an online connection for this? The worst part is that they force you to update even if you're happy with the version of the game you have. A few days before Tales of Valor was released, they forced a patch on the community. Unless you installed the patch, you couldn't play the game - at all. So I patched the game, and that's when the custom map and AI problems began. And thanks to their way of forcing this on you, there's abolutely no way to roll back to the previous version. Nice.

For me, skirmishes are where it's at. I'm not a big online multiplayer guy when it comes to RTS games...just doesn't make sense. And they did next to nothing for me. A few new maps and a extra vehicles, but even these just replace old it's not like you really gain anything. Pretty much an all-around disaappointment for me. They had 2 really good versions of this game and then they fell flat on their faces with this one.