A good follow up to orignal company of heroes

User Rating: 9 | Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts PC
This game is good i liked the new weather system with thunderstroms and rain.This game is like the same to the orignal game just different missions.The german mission is cool i loved playing with the king tiger and seeing allied tanks destroy with just 2 of my shots.The Brittish missions are less impressive the Cromwell and Churchill tanks really suck they move so slow! i rember seeing 7 or so tanks failing to destroy a single Jagdpanzer it feels like that the brittish soliders too move very slow(this is just my opinoin)
I wished that they could do a game about the eastern front i was surpised that even tales of valor dosent set in the eastern front anyone know why?
Apart from that i wish seeing big scale battles and i mean really big haha i think order of war will live up to my expections cant wait.