A good strategy game that mixes in some interesting gameplay styles. You need to buy this game to experience it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts PC
I'm not a big RTS fan. Had to get that out there before people start assuming I'm a game hating creep. CoH: OF was probably the best RTS I have ever played, the combat is frantic and exciting and the combat briefings are a refreshing alternative to monotone "HQ Commanders" in most games.

I did have a problem with the WWII setting though, World War Two is not my favorite game setting and I had hoped for something more futuristic, like the present or near future. My copy has no glitches or bugs and there was not a single point when anything stopped running on max settings. The graphics are the best I have seen in an RTS and the detail level is astounding because no matter how far you zoom in you can see the detail the soldiers have on their uniforms, weapons, buildings, and vehicles.

I gave it a 7.5 because I was not impressed by the storyline. The combat may be exciting but it gets repetitive when the same capture and protect resource node missions keep on coming and then you have to take over bridges or repair certain places and then move to take the enemy base. Or defend your base for a certain time then advance upon the enemy.

This is a biased review because I have only spent about 2 hours in the game so I may be wrong about many things. But by all means you need to buy this game and see that they hype is all true.