A Classy And Polished Expansion

User Rating: 8 | Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts PC
I'm terribly sick and tired of WWII in all of it's computerized iterations, but the original CoH really blew me away when I played a demo. Needless to say I picked it up, and despite being bored with the setting, the gameplay and balence (not to mention killer sound and visuals) captured my heart. You can expect CoH:OF to accomplish the same feat, although I can't help wishing that such RTS skill was turned to a more freeform and creative venture.

CoH:OP introduces two new and very unique factions which in addition to new maps and units open up plenty of new gameplay options that are substantive. Much like the new Warhammer expansions, CoH:OF is a REAL addition to the gameplay end, not just the flash and dazzle.

The major point ot make in any discussion of CoH:OF is that while it is an expansion, it adds more single player bulk than the first game had to begin with! The Brits and the German Panzer Brigades are also terrific factions to play as, and really challenge you to think in terms of the big picture. Emplacements and artillery vs tanks and supportive units let the brits take and hold ground while the germans try to blitz their way past a weak point. What makes this game less than a sequel, besides the fact that the engine is the same, is that the gameplay, while enhanced by additional factions and maps, has not changed. That's not really a bad thing, because the gameplay is still a blast, but if you were DONE after CoH, this isn't going to offer you something you haven't seen.

The bottom line here is that the Visuals are still stunning, the AI is still INTELLIGENT, the sound rocks and the long campaign is fun to play. In a field of worthy RTS contenders (it's been a good couple of years for the RTS world after a LOOOONG drought), CoH:OF is a game that stands on it's own two feet and offers a good value and a fun diversion.