Excellent... Sadly some occasional multiplayer issues

User Rating: 9.5 | Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts PC
This is one of the most fun games in my collection. There are some occasional problems when playing muliplayer and it can be a bit heavy on your pc, esp on large maps.

There are also some balance issues and not all sides are capable of countering the strengths of other factions.

The new factions do offer a wider variety of playing styles and options. They are reasonably different to the original factions, but still feel incomplete in some ways. Action can be intense during battles. The population cap can feel a bit restrictive though, especially if you're a fan of epic battles.

I hope they release an expansion with Soviet and Japanese factions.

Graphics are excellent, detail in the maps is great. The Opposing fronts does require shaders, so if you've been running the original company of heroes on your system, opposing fronts may not work.

Despite the problems with this game, it is a great deal of fun. I spend hours playing LAN with my brother and friends when i get a chance.

I definately recomend this game to any RTS fan.