Super joe a one man army.

User Rating: 5.5 | Senjou no Ookami NES
In commando you play as super joe a soldier who doesnt need anyone else but himself to take a whole army in the style of rambo.Theres hoards of enemies coming after you from all directions and in fact there so many at times that the enemies disappear into oblivion.The game is seen from top view and its very easy to get use to control wise.The song is on repeat during the whole game so the game soundtrack doesnt help the game be less repetitive.The games shortness leaves you wanting more being that the whole game is just 4 levels long then it repeats for some reason.

The game overall isnt that bad for being one of the first capcom games on the nes but its full of flaws and to short for my liking.Theres more to be desired from a game that i think had more potential but i have to give it credit for trying to put so many enemies on screen at once for its time.