If you're RTS fan in any way you have to own this!

User Rating: 9.2 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
C&C games have always set a standard other strategy games imitated. Since the very first installments this series showed some very good promise. Then Red Alert came, and it was the talk of strategy gamers for quite some years. And what about Tiberian Sun? Ah, I almost forgot the awesome C&C Generals!

Well, to cut it short, just go out and buy this compilation, casue it will surely be worth your money at the end. Ok, some games look a bit aged for todays graphics, but still they are very much enjoyable. My personal favourite is Command & Conquer Generals, cause it features some very cool fighting and abilities. I like to play the GLA Army. It's got some unique and memorable characters that will keep you coming back for more. There's also the option of playing multiplayer skirmish games against your friends, which makes for an even bigger experience.

The games are quite challinging, especially for newbies. But you can customize the game to suit your capabilities. You can also tweak with various settings (graphics/sounds/etc) so you can make the game run properly on almost every pc.

One thing I suggest is downloading the patches (which are available on gamespot) that fix some music & other minor problems.

If you are interesting in strategy warfare then do a fvour to yourself.. check out this one!