All the Good Command & Conquer games in a nice bundle, for a nice price.

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
It's been about a year since this box was launched, and prices are down to a very interesting price-point where this bundle is the best deal around for the money, dispite beeing a quite old franschise. Compelling all previous games and expansions into one DVD was a genious move, since certain of these games are still crowded online so you will have all the campaigns and most of all the multiplayer components still more than intact, with exceptions for older C&C games which servers and account systems died out with EA:s move on Westwood.

Since I bet everybody here has played atleast one or two Command & Conquer games I won't say much about the games itself, but you can make the game what you like it to be; you can play longer, strategic, games or play in the less flavorable rushes which is the biggest plauge what Command & Conquer really defined which stupifies most of the online-games. But after a few games you'll be ready to defend yourself against early attacks, or host them yourself.

As I mentioned, this is all about value as it is also very convinient to have all 12 games on one DVD rather than on their own respective discs. On the positive side overall: Fantastic value, Bonus DVD, includes basic poster, excellent looking case and terrific Multiplayer support, does not include Tiberium Wars as it would ruin the box with its pressence. Negative: Certain games has its Multiplayer expired due to shut-down Westwood Servers (games before 1998), Bonus DVD isn't appealing to anybody since it doesn't give much.