Something for all C&C fans to enjoy

User Rating: 10 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
Graphics: The graphics are just as good as I remembered them when I first played each game the only problems I ran into where with the first C&C game and the first Red Alert game which kind of made things harder to play.

Game Play: Getting the chance to play through the C&C History is just as fun as it was as well as challenging again and with 12 games in total you’re not going to get bored easily with the first decade Sound: Westwood made sure to have all the original music in game which was a really great movie because the C&C games I feel have had great music which made things more fun while playing through the missions and with the cut scenes as well they made sure to give us the best possible sound Value: I picked up the first decade for about £20 from GAME so yeah its safe to say £20 for 12 games your getting your moneys worth especially if your a fan and even if your not its not a bad deal

Overall: Normally I don’t bother with collection games like this but vie been a C&C fan for ages I couldn’t pass it up like I said at the start this is defiantly something for all fans and even if your new to the series its still worth a look in