The Best Damn Thing Ever! Westwood is on of the best game makers ever! Something we have all been waiting for its HERE!!

User Rating: 10 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
The Best Strategy Games Ever made! IN ONE BOX.. OMGSPLOSION!!! Westwood is on of the best game makers ever!! Command and Conquer IS STRATEGY at ITS BEST!!!!! Using actual people for cutscenes was one of the best ideas ever.. It actually got you into the game.. It made you really HAte Or Love Kane... When you think command and Conquer.. the Next words in your head is "THE BEST DAMN GAME EVER! I cant wait to play the original.. This series got me into the scene of computer gaming. I've been loyal to Westwood and command and Conquer ever since.. This is defientaly a Must Buy for all Strategy lovers out there. If you Love Strategy you must have played Command and Conquer somtime in you life.. and if you havn't.. Shame Shame on you. Overall this SErIES ROCK you OUT of yOu Boots into Greatness.