Game is pretty fun even though I'm not a basketball fan - but why is it always so hard to play defense in sports games?!

User Rating: 7.7 | College Hoops 2K7 PS3
I'm not really a big fan of basketball games, but I picked this up because I wanted something a little different to try while I was waiting for Madden and NCAA Football 08. I'm pretty happy with the purchase. I spent almost the entire first two weeks that I had my PS3 playing this game. The graphics are pretty good (I love how awesome the flowing uniforms look in motion), controls seem pretty tight most of the time (although I was hoping for more use out of the Sixaxis motion sensor), and the Legacy mode seems at least as deep as any football game I've ever played. The in-season recruiting is insanely involved and gives you plenty to do during the week between games. There are a couple little things that annoy me, though. For some reason, all the players' accessories (like headbands and armbands and stuff) dissapear when the player goes to the bench, which is kinda akward considering how shiny the visuals are. Also, all the players' faces look very similar and they are all really ugly, same goes for the cheerleaders (they look like men). Also, the 2K beats system seems to be glitched since every time i load up the game, it unchecks all the music from the playlist, which isn't too terrible considering that I can't stand all the rap and hip-hop that is in the soundtrack. But I don't mind the fight songs and some of the rock/emo-sounding tunes. And the camera zoom when the ball is in the paint is also rather irritating, since it blocks out most of the view of the court (this camera mode can be disabled in options though).

I don't know much about basketball, but this game definitely has given me a greater appreciattion for just how complex and involved the game is!