When the porting is successful...

User Rating: 9 | Cold Fear PC
...everything is just super.That game,like I see,want to beat Resident Evil 4 for PC and at some point it did.In RE4 I had to use gamepad to feel the real game,but in Cold Fear,that's not necessary,because the controls are absolutely well done,the aiming was so easy.Graphics are also very smooth,the blood is very real and the sound is crushing.But the game was some kind of easy...it wasn't too difficult to fight these zombies,but the part with the head-smashing was very fun.The whole story of the game is originally made,but it was no horror really...In the beginning when I so in the first room upstairs that flashing light and the zombie after it I was like:"Holy crab,that's going to be scary"...but not at all.It's just a 3dPS.The horror is,like,missing:PBut the action was available and very entertaining,actually...The weapons are not anything I've never seen,but they were very helpful,but I played the game with the pistol and the shotgun.The last boss was very easy,too...and....I'd really like to see it in the not-mutated form.