I love Konami.

User Rating: 9 | Coded Arms PSP
Coded Arms for the PSP did something ambitious. It shot for the goal of being the first enjoyable FPS on a portable system; and, despite the criticism, has risen to that level.

The gameplay of Coded Arms is just nostalgically awesome. It brings back the feel of the N64 and Dreamcast first person shooters by using the face buttons to move and the analog stick to look around. It takes some getting used to but the controls are great. People may say that it's harder and less enjoyable to play and FPS without two analog sticks, but they're just not willing to rise to the challenge; and don't tell me that gaming should evolve to having two analog sticks as the norm because it's nice to visit the roots of FPS gaming once in a while. I don;t care what anyone says, Coded arms has great gameplay that really hones your skills at first person gaming. There's a huge amount of weapons to choose from in Coded Arms, ranging from the scurviest of pistols to the heaviest of rocket launchers. The game does a good job of integrating a system of upgrading them as you play; the more enemies you kill the more weapons you acquire. The game also randomly generates levels for you, so if you forgot to save your game and replay a level it will have a completely different layout. This is sweet because you never feel like you've visited the same place twice.

The graphics in Coded Arms are superb, i didn't think a portable system could look this good. But then again, it is the next generation.

Coded Arms sounds like your basic sci-fi FPS, lots of gunshots backed by lots of techno music. It's nothing original, but it gets the job done.

I personally love this game and i could recommend it to anyone who likes a pure action experience from a video game.

Go Konami!! I've always been a fan.