coded arms is a good game not a great one

User Rating: 6.5 | Coded Arms PSP
Coded arms is a that game can get cheap and repetitive. The reason i got coded arms was because it looked good but the game is hard. In coded arms theres thirteen levels in an episode and on the thirteenth level theres a boss. Theres better fps games on the psp like call of duty roads to victory or rainbow six vegas. Coded arms is a long game i have not beaten it yet and i probaly wont anytime soon because its long and hard. There is also adoc no online. In coded arms you dont always get enough health or ammo so it can be a challenge, so if you want a challenging fps then get coded arms. The good things about the game is it looks good and theres cool weapons. The bad things about the game is enemies can be cheap, levels can be long, you dont always get enough health or ammo. So if your looking for a challenging and also cheap fps then get coded arms.