While a lot of people have been specualting on whether the controls will be bad, they've been overlooking great things.

User Rating: 8.2 | Coded Arms PSP
Coded Arms shows you while controls do matter, they don't ruin a game. Coded arms takes place in the late 21st century as an unnamed hacker who is going into a virtual military base that went out of control. The only people who go into the program are hackers willing to sacrafice their life to get cash. They don't exactly say how you get money or how it went overrun with these little critters/machines but that's okay. Like I mentioned earlier, coded arm's controls are a bit off. Not because of the configuration but because people arn't used to O,X,Triangle, or Square buttons being used to look around or run with. After you get over that fact the controls almost disapear. Konami prepared for control problems with 4 different settings, control on the y axis, lock on, sensitivity, etc,. Sounds reasonable on paper, but when playing it it's still a bit off while you start. Your character is very slow when walking, and the y axis still feels strange regardless. Since I haven't given too much time playing I can only imagine it improving. Graphics are well done in Coded Arms. The environments look realistic as well as the weapons, explosions, and enemies. The one thing you may be irritated about is the frame rate. It's slow, but only to the point of you missing maybe 1/10 of a second at worst. The frame rate doesn't change when there are several enemies so that parts good. The sound from the music, to the sound effects, to everything is great. It does everything that sounds like it would in real life, but a "I'm in a computer feel" which is good. Even better with head phones. I could see myself playing Coded Arms for a long time. Not to difficult, not to easy since the enemies are limited in training and your first gun (a pistol) isn't that powerful. It has everything that's nessesary to make a good game and it's not an over-priced EA game (Coded Arms-$40 EA game-$50) The one thing which you could complain about is the level design. Yes it's repetitive a little but, there is a map. Multiplayer is good, just like like the campain. However because it isn't online the multiplayer component doesn't change my score. Bottom line, if you own a psp or if you like fps' Coded Arms won't disappoint you.