It's a good start for FPS's on the PSP ill give it that.

User Rating: 8.7 | Coded Arms PSP
Coded Arms is a pretty good game for FPS fans, but the hting is is that those FPS fans cant expect as much from a handheld fps from a console. The levels were a perfect lenght for a handheld game, short and sweet. You're able to just pick up the psp, play a couple levels in like 10 minutes and then u can put it down. People are kinda aggrivated about the whole control scheme, but it's the best they could've done with only one joystick. I guess u could change the controls so that the joystick looks while the X, O, triangle, and square buttons strafe, but that would mix everything up. The music wasn't that bad. I liked the techno. The random level generation thing i htoguht was original, but after a while it just got boring until u got to the boss fights. A big thing that i liked was the whole weapon selection. This game has a wide variety of weapons for u to use to blow up ur enemies. (My personal favorite being the assualt rifle ^_^) The sounds in the game were very good i htink and i liked the way that ur reloaded ur weapons The multyplayer was fun, but the bad hting was is that i could only play with one other person b/c no one else had a psp -,- This game is good at first but then it begins to get repetitive what with having the same enemies everywhere. In some rooms ur locked in until u kill every single enemy in the room. This can get very hecktick when u have about 10 guys all throwing grenades and shooting shotguns at u. Overall this is like the first yellow brick for Fps's on their way to the Wizard.... i kno im so aweseom with similes ^_^