Have you ever heard of a tale that chilled the core of your spine ?, have you ever heard the tale of the UNDYING ?

User Rating: 9 | Clive Barker's Undying PC
The Plot – The story begins with a WW1 veteran Patrick Galloway, who receives an urgent letter from his friend Jeremiah Covenant. Covenant, well aware of Galloway's reputation for dealing with occult matters, is in failing health and raves about a curse that has destroyed his entire family. Galloway travels to the Covenant estate on the coast of Ireland to visit his friend, who relates an outlandish tale of supernatural terrors and thus our story begins.

Graphics & Sound – Undying's graphics and character animations are very well done, along with the amazing sound effects. The game leaves a chilling and believable environment to dwell within with its combination of both good graphics and voice overs. Although it would have been a help with an option for sub-titles as at times it's difficult to hear what Patrick or any of the other characters are saying.

Gameplay – Undying is pretty big for an FPS giving you anywhere from 15 – 25 hours of gameplay, and it plays like any other FPS but what makes it different is the two handed combat system. With one hand you can use spells while the other uses weapons. You get to choose from eight different spells and eight different weapons which brings diversity to the game. The environments are drop dead gorgeous and chills run down your spine on every occasion. The plot fits so beautifully with the gameplay that every moment leaves you guessing now what. The one thing that is bothering is that to use an object one has to just rush straight through it, no extra use key to help you. The game throws at you an array of enemies each being challenging than the other. All in all the experience is immersive, and is a must play.

The Good – Excellent environments, spooky, good set of characters and interesting storyline, gameplay.

The Bad – No subtitles give a hard time as at times its difficult to hear the speakers, no use key, loose ends in the plot.