Pretty entertaining gameplay with just couple flaws

User Rating: 8.8 | Clive Barker's Undying PC
Picked up as random recomendation it really "sucked me in" as this game has long and interesting story witch is so missed in todays market. You are Patric, a lad with understanding of things not from this realm, and you travel to your friend's home as he asks you to help him..with his curse. You owe him your life as he once saved yours, so you investigate.

During investigation you encounter with various strange things and beings of witch just few do not mean you any harm. As your enemies get stranger, you need more tactics and ways to "deal" with them. That's where the interesting part of gameplay comes in. Not only you have various uncommon weapons witch are rather pleasureful to use, but you get your special abilities, like striking lighting or special vision which you can upgrade with amplifiers and scrolls.

However the maps are built a bit bulky for today and load screen pops out too often. But one real minus witch doesn't count as an effect of passing time is controlls, witch were a bit difficult to deal with when you are trying to pull off trick where you use all your powers in max efficiently.

Anyway, the ways to fight with your enemies, interactive ( most of the time ) surroundings and interesting story make this a pretty well done game, witch I recomend to play.