Clive Barker's Jericho is hard, and not worth your time

User Rating: 6.5 | Clive Barker's Jericho PS3
Firstly Clive Barker's Jericho is quite a difficult game. The bosses you encounter will take a while to defeat and your teammates do not seem like they are helping you. The screen goes red fairly quickly and there are not places to take cover when you need them.
There is plenty of variety of how you can approach each situation, as you can switch between multiple characters and try out not only their weapons, but their powers. Each character has 1 weapon (apart from one character) which has a primary function and a secondary function. Such as the assault rifle which has a shotgun secondary fire.
They also have 2 magical powers that can be used. Such as telekinesis and ghost bullet (which is a controlled bullet that slows down time and can pass through multiple enemies).
The enemies look menacing, and the most common ones are the most human like, which run at you all disfigured with slashing knives in their hands.
However, the big battles between you and the monsters is always ruined by the look of the area your in. The level design is horribly made and offers no interesting features. Everywhere looks the same until you complete the level your on then it looks the same in the next level. Horribly confined and no space to take cover can add to the frustration when all your teammates die and you have to revive them. What you get is a boring design of, mainly temples and with blood smeared all over the place.
If the levels were created with more artistic imagination, then this game could have been more enjoyable with the gameplay. The game also finishes badly without you knowing what happened.

Story- 2/5
Characters- 2/5
Gameplay- 2/5
Controls- 3/5
Graphics- 2/5
Sound- 3/5
Length- 3/5
Replayability- 2/5
Atmosphere- 3/5
Enemy AI- 2/5

Good Points: Various weapons and powers to use, Creepy monster designs, Switching from teammates provide some variety in shootouts.

Bad Points: At times very difficult, Teammates die too easily, Really bad level design, Confusing story, Some battle scenes spawn loads of relentless enemies, Boss fights are extremely frustrating.