This game has some good ideas and some decent boss battles, but it does make you want to gouge your eyes out!

User Rating: 5.5 | Clive Barker's Jericho (Limited Edition) X360
To start off the good things about this game, I thought the idea of controlling any squad member at any point of the game was a good idea, as it kept gameplay varied, as each character had a different gun and special ability, The creatures were generally quite interesting and scary, with boss battles being a highlight.

Now for the bad, the cpu controlled players were pish, you spend most of the time running around healing them, as they usually cant last 10 seconds on their own, there is no multiplayer when this game screams out for co-op, which would of made it alot more fun. The locations are about as varied as a long corridor, The atmosphere of the game is just plain horrible, its like being in hell, (some people might like this though) theres not enough checkpoints and the game can get very difficult on hard mode, so you find yourself constantly redoing bits, Theirs also nothing to find or collect, and by the end of the game you feel like your soul has been crushed. I would say avoid this game.