Do i realy have to review this...I mean it was bad enough just playing it...Wait what are you doing with that hot poker?

User Rating: 4.5 | Clive Barker's Jericho (Limited Edition) X360
Clive Barker's Jericho....There i said it i have openend a box that i realy did not want to....I have played a few bad games a few poor games and a few games that just just seem to want to try and not be fun at all. Clive Barker's Jericho is one of them games, now its not on the same level as Master of orion 3 but it near enough gets there and near enough drives you mad.....(i just wish it had so i could take them pills that make you forget stuff like this)

Clive Barker's Jericho is a story about god and his firstborn....No wait come back not the guy called JC something so evil and powerfull that even god fears him. What is its name....well it is indeed firstborn...(Maybe that is why he turned evil i mean with a name like that i think it may well push me over the edge so to speak). Anyway time to get back on track the "Firstborn" (or from now on FB) is trying to claw its way back into the mortal world. how did this all come about well when god made FB he made the creature a singular being neither male nor female, dark nor light, both beautiful and terrible to behold. God was so disturbed by what He created that He banished it into the Abyss to be forever forsaken, forgotten and unloved. God then started anew and went on to create mankind, giving the species two sexes, intellect, feelings, and love (not to mention a soul).

Not wanting to stick around in the nice place called the abyss FB tried seven time to break free each time he would bring back to the abyss a part of the earth to add to it domain and each time sent back to the Abyss. The city of Al Khali where the link. These layers would entrap pieces of history within its walls, from the time of the ancient Sumerians to World War II. Over time, other great conquerors and civilizations would arrive to claim the city as their own. Eventually, the city was forgotten and buried by the sands of time

This is where you the player and your squad would step in:

The Jericho Squad.

Captain Devin Ross

Formerly extremely skeptical towards all paranormal and psychic phenomenon, Jericho Squad Leader and accomplished war veteran Devin Ross was transferred to the Department of Occult Warfare after his own psychic abilities manifested during a botched raid on a Taliban safe house several years previously.

Captain Xavier Jones

Little is known about Jones, and he seems to like it that way. Second in command, Xavier Jones is more of a bookworm than a fighting man, having spent most of his career at the DOW in an office before recently joining the combat division.

Lt. Abigail Black

A telekinetic sniper, Black tends to keep to herself. The only daughter of an avid Alaskan-born outdoorsman and hunter, Abigail Black persevered through a childhood of poverty and abuse to become one of the top marksmen in the US Army.

Sergeant Frank Delgado

Sgt. Frank Delgado is of Mestizo and Chickasaw descent, his powers owing to a life-long pursuit of alchemy and shamanic wisdom. Delgado has only one useful arm on a mission-his right is encased within a protective shell containing Ababinili, a parasitic flame spirit of which Delgado was able to summon and earn the cooperation of after offering his arm as a sacrifice.

Sergeant Wilhelmina 'Billie' Church

Church is a blood mage who serves as a point man for Jericho Squad. She can cast a blood ward and a fire ward to keep enemies at bay. Raised by snake handling fundamentalists in rural Tennessee and haunted by a terrible past (in which she was abused by her cult, raped by her father and then later taken in by the state, who put her in an asylum.

Corporal Simone Cole

The daughter of two Silicon Valley programmers, Cpl. Simone Cole is a genius and "reality hacker". Her vast intellect allows her to manipulate space and time using advanced mathematical principles, using this to maintain communications, scan areas for temporal distortions, and generally keep the team in touch and aware of their general surroundings, though her techno-babble often confuses them.

Father Paul Rawlings

A preacher with a troubled past and twin Desert Eagles complete with extended 15 round magazines. Serving as a chaplain in the military, he knows a great deal of history of the Jericho Squad and the hidden nature of their mission. He can heal members of the squad from great distances using Ghost Heal and can drain enemies health and distribute it among the squad by summoning Vlad's Curse.

What is a game with heros without villains:

Hanne Lichthammer

Lichthammer (German for "hammer of light") was an officer of the German army (possibly Schutzstaffel) during World War II. Described, when alive, as an embodiment of Aryan beauty, since young she showed dangerous signs of sadomasochism, which drove her to extremes of depravity during adulthood.

Bishop Maltheus St. Claire

Maltheus was a bishop during the Middle Ages, a man whose faith slowly drove him to extremes due to his fear of not being fit for eternal life after his corporeal death - apparently, he was guilty of gluttony, among other sins.

Governor Cassus Vicus

A former tribune of ancient Rome, Cassus Vicus was a man infamous for his excesses, which included but were not limited to senseless slaughter, violent orgies, murder and rape and, worst of all, cannibalism.

Arnold Leach

Once part of the same organizaiton as Jericho, Arnold Leach was a prominent summoner and occultist, though his craving for power and his paranoia over his possible fate - that of a heretic used by witch hunters to, ironically, hunt witches - led him astray and made him a madman.

The Firstborn

An abomination predating mankind, the Firstborn was created by God in a failed attempt to make a souls for Man to be imbued. Disturbed and horrified by His creation, He cast it away, banishing it in another dimension whose location corresponded to that of Al-Khali - a literal wound in the earth that constantly seeped evil.

The real flaw to Clive Barker's Jericho is the games AI....not the enemy but the friends AI...they would always seem to die and have you saving the day over and over again. If it was not for the bad AI this game would have been very very epic it would have been worth any persons time but i would say to you think on before picking this one up.