Clive Baker's Jericho Should be checked out by any horror and FPS fan but play it with an open mind.

User Rating: 8 | Clive Barker's Jericho PS3
This game is original and very creative. Sadly, its true what they say, This game is also very repetitive.

Even with Clive Baker's input (awesome looking rotted flesh and blood all over the place) he can't stop the level design from repeating it self. Its either inside or outside an old church for 98% of the game. I understand that the game has a lot of religious tones but its so recycled you will often get lost in the game.

The level design doesn't bother me to much because Jericho is still fun, scary and original.

-The creatures are very weird and detailed.
-The graphics are nice and polished.
-Digging the religious tones.
-Cool powers.
-Jumping from person to person is fun.
-Gameplay is simple but soild.
-Cool but frustrating boss battles.

Needs Improvement:
-(Obviously) The Level Design.
-Difficulty of the game is uneven, can be easy on some levels and on others very hard.
-BAD check points... They're spread out poorly through levels.
-Can't save Check Points.
-Story is a little incoherent.
-Some teammates die to easy.
-Teammates can be very useful and useless at times, Sometimes they will kill enemies (big and small) and other times its all on you.