A good beginner MMO, but doesn't make you feel very villainous.

User Rating: 8.3 | City of Villains PC
City of Heroes. The MMORPG in which you created your own hero and went around doing heroic activities.
For those who don't know, MMO is Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Aaannyway. City of Villains is the sequel, or expansion, or whatever you want to call it to City of Heroes. Basically the same, only, the darker side of the two.
The game comes with a 30-Day-Free-Trial, plus a few other game cards with 14-Day-Trials for City of Heroes. After they run out, it's 15 dollars a month to play.
There are also some added features since City of Heroes, like the ability to make Secret Bases with private hospitals, teleporters, and other thing for your Super Group, which is basically a clan.
When you start out, you have the ability to make a One-of-a-kind Villain. Anyone who appreciates customization or originality will love the many options.
There are various options, such as helmets, shoulder pads, armor, tights, and more. After you create your villain, you start playing in the middle of a Prison Break. This is basically your tutorial run, teaching you how to use your powers and about enchantments and inspirations.

After you finish the prison break, you meet your first contact, and do your first couple of missions. As you defeat more enemies, you gain experience, and level up. The higher you level, the more powers and enchantment slots you gain.
The cool thing about this game, is if you have City of Villains or Heroes, the online world you play in is combined with both games. There are special Player vs. Player zones where you can fight other Villains or Heroes.

When you get to Level 10, you have the ability to create Super Groups, or have a Lackey. Higher levels have the ability to take lower levels under their wing as a lackey. A Lackey's abilities are boosted up to the higher level's.
Basically, the higher the level, the more the abilities.

I have a powerful tip for you. When you start, don't make your character to be good. Make it the way you want to, make it for FUN.
There isn't much more I can tell you, as I just got this game, but felt I had to review it. You'd have to get the game yourself, or at least do your homework on it to know whether or not you'd like it.
Relatively difficult at first, in my opinion, but you can get the hang of it.

So, I would say it's a good beginner's(like me!) MMO.
And, if you can, you may as well buy the bundle with both City of Heroes AND City of Villains.

Final Verdict: Buy it if you need a change from Druids and Paladins, or are a beginner at MMOs, and I'll see ya there.