Its good, but needs just a bit more Villiany. Good multiplayer action!

User Rating: 8.2 | City of Villains PC
Its a good game for multiplayer online fun, however it lacks the online game feel. Most people that play online games will be shocked at the lack personal idems in this game or a player based economy. It that is what you are looking for this is the wrong game. The game is about adventuring. And team fun. It really reminds me of how Star Wars Galaxies was a year ago before the NGE. There are some short comings.
The main flaw with the game is the lack of a evil atmosphere. The missions aren't that evil at all. I have yet to encounter a mission that truely makes me feel villianous. Most revolve around slaying a person, robbing a bank or stealing something. Out side of group missions the game is very dull. A villian can't be villainous. Say for instance a person was walking down the street. A villian should be able to knock him out rob him and and laugh at him on the groud. I think that a system similar to GTA's wanted level would go great with this game. The more evil you do the more police and hero's to bust up. Or if a villain wants he should just be able to trash a town for the fun of it. Now that would be a Improvement!!!
Basically the game is a great multiplayer game, but leaves alot of room for improvement.