When you inserted the Chuck Norris disk, your Commodore 64 immediately became a Commodore Infinity. FACT!

User Rating: 10 | Chuck Norris C64
Speaking of infinity, Chuck Norris is the only mortal to have counted to infinity, and he did it twice. Did I call him a mortal? That's unconfirmed. In this game, which is similar in style and gameplay to Double Dragon, you beat the crap out of evildoers by punching, kicking, and doing a sweet sumersault kick to the face. There are no guns, because Chuck Norris doesn't need guns. He can just throw bullets at people. Or, if he's angry enough, throw people at bullets.

There is no plot to this game that I recall. That's because it doesn't need one. When you're walking down the street and you see an evildoer, do you need a plot or storyline before you kick that thug in the face? I thought not.

Until that long awaited Walker: Texas Ranger game comes out, this is all we have. Cherish it.