Chuck Norris demands you to play this game. Else, he will roundhouse kick you right now.

User Rating: 10 | Chuck Norris C64
Chuck Norris once blew a bubble and it enveloped the world. That bubble would soon become the universe and serve as a basis for astronomical science...but he also did a roundhouse kick and this game materalized out of thin air. So one day I decided to play this game. And wow, this game is amazing. 1/6 Native American, 5/6 Irish, Western Ninja, and 1000% godlike roundhouse kick. The man be Chuck Norris. And the superstar of this game. This game is divided up into several sections:
1-Walker, Texas Ranger
2-Play God
3-Invasion USA
4-Country Music Kareoke
Each section features intense, eyeball-bursting action, extreme gameplay, super graphics that makes photorealism and pixel shader 1000 obselete by six hundred century, and several million years worth of replay. I played this game and got a lot of WINNER in return. Thus, I give this game YOU'RE WINNER/YOU'RE WINNER.

P.S. This game is rated NC-17 R (Parental Advisory) Adult Only because many people couldn't handle the amount of intensity of this game and often blew up into a million smithereens, thus the 4 hours + of learning curve and extreme diffculty needed to handle its heat. Nevertheless, THIS GAME IS WINNER.