User Rating: 3.2 | Chrome PC
Bought this game, have tried to play it. Dear God is it awful. I really wonder if whoever reviewed it actually played the bloody thing. First point - and one that is increasingly made about PC games - when are developers and publishers going to stoip using the purchasers of their games to beta test the damn things? This really is an increasingly unpleasant trend - no doubt driven by the marketing monkeys in the publishers rather than the QA guys. And doesn't anyone find it a little suspicious just how quickly these patches are now available? Almost like they knew it was poorly QAed crap when they distributed it but thought that they'd get the revenue stream going before they really did anything about it. Chrome is no exception - its bugged and the patch only fixes some of the issues - on my competely standard machine the worst of the unfixed bugs is that it crashes almost every time I try and save it. This bug was reported on the Chrome forums in October - before the patch was issued - yet it doesn't fix it and their tech support don't have an immediate solution either. Second point - if the increasing trend for eastern european developers continues - could they please get someone who speaks english as a first language to work on the cut scenes - better someone who hasn't learnt their english from b-movies? The cut scenes on this game use pigeon english and dialogue that is so hackneyed that it defies description. And (if I was really that bothered about this sort of thing) its hideously sexist steroetypes are also more at home in a 1950s B movie. Third point - it would be nice if the game actually did something original - as it is it feels like a poor copy (again perhaps a reflection of its eastern european origins) of other games but badly, cheaply executed. Graphics are OK (although the faces of main characters look lumpy and rather strange) but who cares if the game does nothing new or, more to the point, if ones ability to interact with the graphics is almost non-existent. Further, again as reported elsewhere, the sound is truly dreadful - aside from weapons fire that sounds as if its played through thick layers of cotton wool there appears to be no difference between walking on grass and pushing through undergrowth - as I said no point to good looking graphics if they do nothing for immersion. Whatever happened to storyline and plot - this game really doesn't have much of either. Really dreadful.