Chili Con Carnage is not the longest , but deffinatly one of the funnest PSP game that you can get .

User Rating: 8.8 | Chili Con Carnage PSP
Chili Con Carnage probably wasnt the most awaited games of all times mainly because its first instalment , Total Overdose was a fun , but also flawed game . Basicly this game takes the first one , reuses some of the levels , the story ( well it modifies it from cool to satiric but still ) and music , and creates a totally new , freeroam-free game , thats superior in every aspect from its older brother . The story its the same , you powerful mexican hot-shot kills every gringo you can find , and so you will avange our fathers death . The gameplay in Chili Con Carnage is simple , you run around shoot people and stuff , blow up cars , chickens , heads etc. and you do this while a combometer is going . The fast you kill people the fast your points are growing , and with high rankings there are a few extras ( like multiplayer levels , artworks etc. ) to unlock , which you will mainly because these stuff are all fun . The graphics of the game are batter than the ones in Total Overdose . Even though theres no free roam , there are still many cool looking environments , like plantations , houses etc. , which are not mindbogling , but seeing that the entire game runs around 60 fps whith no frameratedropping ( and glitchfree ) is pretty cool . Also there are lots of cool looking CGmovies to that will fancy the gamers eye . The sound ... well its probably the best part of the game . There are lots of Mexican songs in it , from rockbands , and that pretty cool , and more than that there isnt much to say ( maybe I schould mention the great voiceacting ). The game is not long , so prepare yourself for a 50 $ weekend , or for hardcore gamers even a 50 $ day . I replayed all of the levels , and played it in multiplayer to , but I think that not many of you will do the same ... but who knows , maybe you will , than its a greate experience . If your the kind of guy who gets bored fast , than youl only find around 8 hours of gameplay , which is personally not that much . But in the end whats there to mention ? Well Chili Con Carnage is a great pure action game , that deserves your time especially if your looking for some funtime . Now if you have a friend to ... the fun will double . A great choice for PSP owners .